Partnership announced between ALL and XLL
The Arena Lacrosse League will be working in partnership with the Xtreme Lacrosse League to further promote opportunities for players wanting to advance in box lacrosse in B.C. All players registered in the XLL will be available as free agents during the season to the teams in the ALL West Division.
“This is a great opportunity for us to further grow the ALL brand, our partnership with (Randy and) the XLL gives us three levels of lacrosse in the West to compliment the East,” said Paul St. John (ALL President). “The XLL will assist with identifying players ready to play at the next level”
The XLL which has been providing a winter box lacrosse league to players since 2018 will now be working together with the ALL West to provide opportunities to continue playing during the off season.
“The ALL West has done an excellent job since launching in 2021 and we are excited to be part of providing players more opportunities to play and get better during the winter off-season,” said Randy Clough (XLL President).
Registration opens soon with the 8-week season being played on Sundays at the Coquitlam Forum, starting January 8. The league will be limited to 80 players and all players must be at least 18 years of age.
For more information, please contact the XLL at:
Follow the Arena Lacrosse League on Twitter and Instagram at @ArenaLacrosse and arenalacrosseleague
Follow the XLL on Twitter and Instagram and @XtremeLaxLeague and xtremelaxleague