Froster Active Kids Presenter of Junior ALL
The Arena LacrosseLeague (ALL) is proud to announce the Froster Active Kids program as thePresenter of the Junior ALL Youth program. The Froster Active Kids is a programof Mac’s Convenience Stores Inc. that assists with growing youth sports throughoutthe province of Ontario.
“We are very excited to partner with Froster Active Kids, theirvision of having a positive impact on the lives of youth, while building abetter community by providing opportunities through the spirit of sport issomething we both share” stated ALL President Paul St. John. “We look forwardto working with Froster Active Kids and their terrific staff for many years tocome.”
“Froster Active Kids is sharing the excitement with theArena Lacrosse League in the development of youth playing lacrosse in theprovince of Ontario”, stated By Steve Pitts V.P. of Operations at Mac’sConvenience Stores, Inc.